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A professional headshot of Dr. Megan Humburg smiling while posing outdoors. There are trees and part of a bridge behind her.

Dr. Megan Humburg

Learning Scientist, Indiana University

My research centers on designing interdisciplinary learning activities, technologies, and environments that engage learners' emotions and build social connections as a foundation for powerful collaboration and learning. I leverage educational technologies, embodied learning, and sociocultural theories of learning to thoughtfully design for integrations between STEM, Arts, & Humanities disciplines.


I currently work as a PostDoctoral Fellow at Indiana University as a part of the EngageAI Institute. Our work involves designing narrative-centered learning environments that interface with artificial intelligence (AI) technologies to adaptively support student engagement and learning. In particular, I investigate how to ethically and sustainably design AI chatbots to support student-led inquiry.


Scholarly Publications

I publish about embodied learning, student engagement, interdisciplinary learning, and more. 

Posts for Educators

In addition to academic publications, I also write short articles for general educator audiences to share my own research as well as to help communicate ideas from the learning sciences to everyday educators.


Designing AI Tools

Want to design better AI tools for education? Listen to the students!

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Designing for who your students can be, not just who they are right now.

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Learning Theories

What kind of learning theorist are you? A quiz for educators.

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